Monday, November 13, 2006

BlazerRant 1 - The Silent Bell Needs to Ring...


That's all that Blazer Fans have right now.


That's all that Blazer Fans are asking for.

Unfortunately, no ONE seems to be doing anything but sitting back and letting the train wreck pile up. That same someONE is the ONE who has seen a football program, much like our own, grow into the (at one point this season) #3 team in the nation. ONE person holds the keys to the fate of our football program. The past says that this ONE knows how to make the big hire. Just look at Mike Davis. But the hand was forced in that situation, and no one was being forced out. This is not the time to worry about feelings. We're long past that. Bridges have been burns. Lines have been drawn. It's time for someONE to break the silence. It's time to put an end to this madness that is within UAB Athletics and Administration.

It's time for the change to be made.

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